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so you don't miss out on your dream home

Why Use Sancastle Realty?

Looking to purchase a new home?

Let's do it together!

  • Experience: With 45 years of combined experience, John and Brenda Sansaricq have a wealth of knowledge about the real estate market. They can use this experience to help their clients navigate the market and find the best deals.

  • Access to information: Realtors like John and Brenda Sansaricq have access to a wide range of information about the real estate market that is not available to the general public. This includes information about current market trends, local zoning laws, and more.

  • Professional network: Realtors like John and Brenda Sansaricq have an extensive network of professionals they can tap into to help their clients. This includes home inspectors, contractors, and lawyers.

  • Negotiation skills: Realtors like John and Brenda Sansaricq have honed their negotiation skills over years of working in the industry. They can use these skills to help their clients get the best possible deal on a home.

  • Time-saving: Buying or selling a home can be a time-consuming process. By working with a realtor like John and Brenda Sansaricq, clients can save time by delegating many of the tasks involved in the process, such as scheduling showings and handling paperwork.

Are You a First Time Homebuyer?

If you live and work in Florida you may be eligible for up to $35,000 to assist you in your home purchase. Use these funds towards your downpayment and closing costs so you don't have to come out of pocket with a lot of money to close on your next home.

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Download some of our informative Buyer Guides

The Buying Process

Buying a home is a significant milestone in most people's lives, but it can also be an overwhelming process. From finding the right property to navigating financing and negotiations, there are many steps involved in the home buying process. However, with the right information and support, buying a home can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

This website aims to provide you with a comprehensive guide to the home buying process, covering everything from preparing your finances to closing the deal. Whether you're a first-time buyer or a seasoned homeowner, we hope that our resources will help you make informed decisions throughout the home buying journey.

Buying a home is a significant milestone in most people's lives, but it can also be an overwhelming process. From finding the right property to navigating financing and negotiations, there are many steps involved in the home buying process. However, with the right information and support, buying a home can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

This website aims to provide you with a comprehensive guide to the home buying process, covering everything from preparing your finances to closing the deal. Whether you're a first-time buyer or a seasoned homeowner, we hope that our resources will help you make informed decisions throughout the home buying journey.

1. Create a Plan and Visualize

Create a Plan and Visualize: The first step in the home buying process is to create a plan and visualize your dream home. This involves determining your budget, identifying your priorities and needs, and deciding on your ideal location.

You may want to work with a real estate agent to help you create a plan that meets your specific needs and preferences. Once you have a plan in place, it's time to start visualizing what your dream home might look like.

You can use online resources to browse homes for sale in your target area and get a sense of the types of properties that are available.

2. Loan Pre-approval

After creating a plan and visualizing your dream home, the next step in the home buying process is to secure loan approval.

This involves working with a lender to determine how much you can afford to borrow, based on your income, credit score, and other financial factors.

You'll need to provide documentation such as bank statements, tax returns, and pay stubs to support your loan application.

Once you have been pre-approved for a loan, you'll have a better idea of what price range you should be targeting when searching for homes.

3. Locate Target Neighborhoods

Locate target neighborhoods: Once you have secured loan approval, it's time to start locating target neighborhoods. This involves researching neighborhoods that meet your criteria and visiting them in person to get a sense of the local vibe.

You may want to consider factors such as commute times, school districts, and nearby amenities when choosing your target neighborhoods. You can work with a real estate agent to help you identify neighborhoods that meet your criteria and provide you with access to the latest home listings in those areas.

By focusing on specific neighborhoods, you can save time and energy in your home search and increase your chances of finding the perfect property.

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